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Unit 1: Classroom Orientation & Career Exploration
- Unit 1_Lesson 1: Introduction
- Unit 1_Lesson 2: Classroom Orientation
- Unit 1_Lesson 3: Sand County Almanac_Foreword Journal
- Unit 1_Lesson 4: Career Exploration
Unit 2: The Nature of Environmental Science
- U2_L1: Introduction To Mr. Endicott's Environmental Science 20 and Concept of Place (World View)
- U2_L2: Spiritual Significance of Place and Early Pioneers of Environmental Conservation
- U2_L3: World View and Environmental Ethics of the Hetch Hetchy Debate
- U2_L4: Human Footprint and Tragedy of The Commons
- U2_L6: Nature Walk
- U2_L5: The Gap
- U2_L7: Sand County Almanac - February Good Oak
- Independent Research Project (Day 1)
Unit 3: Atmosphere and Human Health
- U3_L1: The Air and why it is the way it is...
- U3_L2: Types and Causes of Pollution
- U3_L3: Air Quality
- U3_L4: Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health and the Environment
- U3_L5: Nature Walk
- U3_L6: Birds and Indicator Species
- U3_L7: Sand County Almanac
- Independent Research Project (Day 2)
Unit 4: Human Health and Aquatic Systems
- U4_ Water, the sacred relationship!
- U4_L4: Water Pollution
- Unit 4_Lesson 1 Assignment: Destroying the Dam_Why it Matters
- U4_L2: Water as a Resource
- U4_L3: Flooding and Effects To Health
- U4_L5: Fracking - Definitely, Most Likely (or Not)
- U4_L5: Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
- U4_L6: Water Quality Lab
- U4_L8: Sand County Almanac Journal
- Independent Research (Day 3)
Unit 5: Human Health and Terrestrial Ecosystems
- U5_L1: First Nations and the Value of Soil
- U5_L2: Climate and Biomes
- U5_L3: Lesson Habitat Destruction
- U5_L4: The Green Revolution
- U5_L4 Assignment: Consequences of the Green Revolution
- U5_L5: Agricultural Practices
- U5_L6: Soil - A Key to Life in Saskatchewan
- U5_L7: Organic and Genetically Modified Foods
- U5_L8: European Corn Borer CB Infestation Lab
- U5_L9: Plants and Climate Change
- Unit 5_L9 Assignment: Lesson Activity - Mother Earth's Perspective on Plants and Climate Change
- U5_L10: Environmental Journal_Sand County Almanac
- Independent Research (Day 4)
Unit 6: Human Population and Pollution
- U6_L1: Keystone Species
- U6_L2: Population Dynamics
- U6_L3: Demography
- U6_L4: Human Populations
- U6_L5: Urbanization
- U6_L6: Human Health and Toxicology
- Independent Research Project (Day 5)
Climate Change
- U7_L1: Climate Change
- Independent Research Day 6 (Final)